How Do I Say Dog In Spanish. 16 rows for other animals, like dog, we use the masculine form ( el perro) to refer to a male and the. Dame la pata / hola (give me your paw)

) a phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). Necesitamos muchos perros caliente para la fiesta. How do you say this in english (us)?
How Do You Say This In English (Us)?
We need lots of hot dogs for the party. ) a phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). M/f another way to say it is el can.
How Do You Say Can I Pet Your Dog? In Spanish?
All it is, is the letter y. How to say dog in spanish spanish translation perro more spanish words for dog el perro noun pooch el can noun dog perseguir verb pursue, chase, persecute, go after, hunt down el zorro noun fox, dog fox el bribón noun rascal, knave, villain, varmint el tunante noun villain el tachines noun dog el teléfono noun phone, telephone, blower English (us)french (france)germanitalianjapanesekoreanpolishportuguese (brazil)portuguese (portugal)russiansimplified chinese (china)spanish (mexico)traditional chinese (taiwan)turkishvietnamese.
You Can Say El Perro O La Perra Depending On The Genre.
English, german, french, portuguese and russian The spanish phrase for this is my pet is esta es mi mascota. It's no used as feminine form and it's despective.
Let's Learn How To Say 'And' In Spanish:
How do you say this in spanish (spain)? How do you say this in english (us)? マドリードでコーヒーを飲もう は、 vamos a tomar un café en madrid.
His Name Is Spot And I Love Him.tengo Un Perro.
¿puedo acariciar a tu perro? How do you say dog in spanish. El esposo de manuela es muy le regaló un anillo de oro.